• Ethics and Policies at Corus International

Corus International and its subsidiaries are committed to operating at the highest levels of integrity through our ethics policies and procedures.

In keeping with our mission, vision and values, Corus maintains certain policies to guide employees and affiliates with respect to standards of conduct and expects all employees and affiliates to act in a manner consistent with the values of respect, integrity and excellence while carrying out their organizational responsibilities.

Corus' Integrity and Ethics Reporting Hotline hosted by Convercent (a third-party provider) makes it easy for staff or third parties to report an incident about workplace issues like fraud, harassment, theft, policy violations and other concerns. The system provides options for anonymous reporting and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in multiple languages.


Corus believes that all persons we encounter have the right to be protected from all forms of harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation. Corus has zero tolerance to such ethical violations by staff or associated personnel towards beneficiaries, especially children and vulnerable adults. Corus commits to addressing safeguarding throughout its work, providing policy guidance, practicing prevention, reporting and response.

Fraud Policy

Corus values honesty, integrity, and adherence to the highest of ethical standards. All employees have a responsibility to our fellow employees, our donors, and our partners to uphold the basic principles of business ethics and good judgment, as well as to legal compliance and adherence to Corus policies and procedures. The prevention and reporting of fraud is a responsibility shared by all staff.

In our policy, "fraud" means any act that is defined in any law that applies where a potentially fraudulent act occurs. Fraud can be described as "a dishonest act or acts that intentionally uses deception to deprive an individual or entity of its money, property or other items of value.” Fraud can include irregularity or suspected irregularity related to organizational business and involving associates, vendors, or persons providing service or materials to the organization. This may include theft; embezzlement; bribery and kickbacks; misappropriation, misapplication, destruction, removal, or concealment of property; and conflicts of interest. These practices or acts are referred to collectively as "fraud" or "fraudulent acts" within this policy. 

We encourage all staff, partners, beneficiaries and other stakeholders to use the hotline to report incidents of suspected fraud and corruption that may affect the impact we make.

Corus will respond promptly to all reports of safeguarding and fraud-related violations.

What to report

  • Sexual threat / violence or inappropriate behavior
  • Bribery and corruption
  • Stealing or misusing money or assets
  • Bullying, harassment or abuse of power for personal gain
  • Demands for money or sexual favors in return for project benefits
  • Falsifying or manipulating invoices
  • Irregularities in tendering and procurement processes
  • Suspected or actual terrorist financing
  • Human rights violations
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Policy violations
  • Kickbacks

Submit a report

Summary of Policies, Frameworks and Statements

  • Accountability to Affected Populations Framework

This framework commits Corus to engaging stakeholders (including local communities) in all aspects of our project work, from design through execution, including the establishment of Complaints Response Mechanisms or similar beneficiary feedback mechanisms in the majority of our projects to solicit feedback from community members and project participants, including allegations of misconduct by staff.

  • Opposition to Modern Slavery Statement

Respect for human dignity compels Corus’ mission to end poverty and promote healthy communities around the world. Inherent in this respect is the belief that all people should be free, and we therefore express our strong opposition to modern slavery in this statement.

  • Trafficking in Persons

This policy lays out Corus’ commitment and mechanisms to prevent trafficking in persons. In addition to ensuring they are not complicit in such acts, staff and associated personnel are trained to identify the behaviors associated with human trafficking and are required to report any trafficking activity upon discovery.

  • Safeguarding policy

This policy lays out Corus’ commitment and mechanisms to safeguard all persons we encounter as we believe everyone has the right to be protected from all forms of harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation. Corus has zero tolerance for abuse or exploitation by staff or associated personnel towards beneficiaries.

  • Child Labor/ Protection Policy

Corus takes child protection very seriously and is committed to ensuring that all children under our care or in programs supported by us are protected from harm and are free from exploitation. Corus has zero tolerance for actions or behaviors that constitute poor practice or potentially abusive behavior in child protection.

  • Enterprise Risk Management Policy and Framework

This policy defines our approach to risk management and mitigation with an emphasis on safeguarding staff, children, vulnerable adults and beneficiaries from harm, abuse and exploitation. It includes a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption, fraud, misappropriation or abuse of any kind in relation to its entrusted financial resources.

  • Fraud Incident Reporting Policy and Procedures

This policy details our commitment to preventing fraud and corruption as well as the mechanisms for reporting, investigating and resolving allegations of fraud or corruption.

  • Bribery, Gifts and Hospitality policy

Corus prohibits the offering, giving, solicitation or acceptance of any bribe or corrupt inducement, whether in cash or in any other form.

  • Conflict of Interest

Corus’ Human Resources policy requires staff to disclose potential conflicts of interest. Staff are required to sign annual Conflict of Interest statements.

  • Anti-Harassment Policy

Corus’ Human Resources policy expressly prohibits harassment on the grounds of any and all protected categories.

  • Anti-Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying Policy

Corus strives to create and maintain a safe, professional work environment that is free of harassment, discrimination and bullying. Corus has zero tolerance for any form of discrimination, harassment and bullying of or by employees or affiliates.

  • Workplace Violence Prevention Policy

Corus is committed to maintaining a safe work environment and preventing workplace violence. Conduct that threatens, intimidates or coerces another employee or a member of the public at any time on Corus premises will not be tolerated.

  • Whistleblower Policy

Corus’ Human Resources policy includes a policy that protects whistleblowers from retaliation when they report, in good faith, allegations of misconduct by colleagues or management.

  • Procurement Policy and Manual

Corus’ Policy on Obtaining Outside Goods and Services and its accompanying Procurement Manual establish the principle that all purchases of goods and services must demonstrate best value for money; fairness, integrity and transparency; effective competition; and be in the best interest of beneficiaries, donors, partners and Corus itself. The manual also prohibits conflict of interest in the procurement of goods and services.

  • Environmental Stewardship Policy

This policy describes our commitment to protecting the environment and details how staff should integrate environmental stewardship into our programming.

Identifying and Addressing Risks and Compliance Issues

Corus' Internal Audit and Investigation section provides independent and objective assurances on the effectiveness of our governance, risk management and internal control activities. We also hire external auditors to conduct annual audits of our books for compliance with donor and U.S. federal regulations.