Corus International is thrilled to participate in the 2023 International Conference on Primary Health Care (ICPHC) in Ethiopia. Primary health care is an all-encompassing, cost-effective and inclusive approach to improving people’s physical, mental and social well-being. The value of primary health care has become increasingly important for health system resilience during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. ICPHC aims to strengthen the primary health care movement globally and facilitate access to universal health coverage (UHC). This is an essential part of achieving the third Sustainable Development Goal (SDG3): Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
At Corus, IMA World Health leads our global health work that contributes to SDG3 by working in the world’s most fragile settings to promote healthy behaviors and ensure access to and use of high quality, equitable and person-centered health services. Our integrated primary health care approach works through health care facilities and community-based health care providers to advance comprehensive, accessible care that meets the health needs of individuals throughout their life. We consider human, financial, social and physical needs to improve service delivery and advance universal access with an emphasis on women and youth. In accordance with World Health Organization (WHO) principles, our primary health care approach encompasses three key elements: meet people’s health care needs throughout their lives; address the broader determinants of health through multisectoral programming and policy; and empower individuals, families and communities to take charge of their own health.
Dr. Dennis Cherian, Associate Vice President for Global Health and Nutrition, will speak about Corus’ global efforts to advance primary health care and strengthen health systems at ICPHC. As a panelist at a concurrent session about the role of the private sector in advancing primary health care, Dr. Cherian will explore the importance of investing in private, faith-based health networks to provide quality primary health care services to remote communities, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Private, faith-based health organizations are vital partners for providing key infrastructure, community outreach and health care service delivery where needed most in a health system, contributing significantly to equitable access to health care.
Learn more about how we are committed to strengthening primary health care and advancing SDG3.